Wednesday, July 18, 2012


For this research i did online survey on few people based on these questionnaire: 

Gender *

Age *
 17 or younger
 18 - 25
 25 - 30
 31- 40
 41 or older

Occupation *
 Private sector worker
 Government sector worker

Do you know what urban agriculture is? *
 Not sure

Do you think we can do agriculture in city/urban agriculture? *

If you live in city area and you like to do agriculture, would you take the opportunity to do the urban agriculture? *

Do you think urban agriculture can be done as a hobby? *

Would you like to do urban agriculture as your hobby during your free time? *

If you do urban agriculture, would you like to... *
 sell the product to a market
 keep it as your daily food
 decoration in your house

Do you think urban agriculture will generate profit in your life? State the reason. *

In your opinion, do you think Malaysia experiences insufficient of fresh food productions? *

For example, Malaysia has problems with shortage of food productions, (fruits, vegetables, etc.) do you think urban agriculture will solve the problem? *

As we all know, Malaysia slowly became an urban city and a lot of ecology problem (air pollution, water pollution and etc); do you think urban agriculture will help.... *
 reduce the problem
 make the problem worse

Do you know, we can use waste such as bottle, tire, and eggshell to plant the vegetables?or other interesting way to do urban agriculture?Give example. *


Based on the survey that i conducted, more than half of respondent not know what is urban agriculture. Even so, they believe they can do agriculture in urban city.  Even though they don't really know  about urban agriculture, some of the respondent would like to do it as their activities during free time.  They also think these activities would bring them some profit.  Some of them, would like to do these activities as a hobby and do urban agriculture to decorating their house and use it for their self. They also give some ideas how to do urban agriculture in creative ways.

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