Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Analysis and Criticality


Based on my research / survey / observation :

  • Respondent believe we can do urban agriculture in urban area.
  • Respondent agree that we can do urban agriculture as a hobby but they don't want to do it as their hobby.
  • Lot of benefit to our self and community.
  • Agriculture can be boring and tiring but also feel satisfaction and exciting.
  • Lot of unused thing can be reused for this urban agriculture (ex: bottle, broken cup, etc.)


Based on my analysis, i have point out few major of question that might be help for my research:

  • What can we make urban agriculture more interesting?
  • Do they aware the benefit of urban agriculture to their life?
  • What can we get from urban agriculture?
  • What material that we can use as a base to do urban agriculture?
  • Will it be worth doing urban agriculture?

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